IVF Risks

Stress and emotional depression are common for couples who have infertility problems. A patient who is taking medications during IVF treatment is exposed to some IVF risks. Some may experience side effects such as abdominal pain, bloating and dizziness. Injections are also applied several times and can cause bruising. Patients who are taking birth control pills in IVF protocol may have a risk of scattered egg growth if their estrogen levels are low during lutheal phase.

IVF Risks

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a very long procedure and requires physical, mental, emotional, psychological and financial preparedness. There are many IVF risks during treatment that may arise depending on the patient's varying conditions. Couples should be aware of IVF risks before they undertake the IVF treatment procedure to make them understand of the consequences that may occur.

IVF Risks during IVF cycle

During the stage of ovarian stimulation, a patient who has a sensitive reaction to fertility drugs can get ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This is a common IVF risk complication which causes bloating, swollen and painful ovaries, nausea and vomiting. In egg retrieval process, IVF risks include bleeding and infection and at times, damage to the bowel and bladder structural surroundings during transvaginal ultrasound aspiration. Some IVF risks associated with laparoscopy are difficulty in breathing, infections in the chest, damage of the nerves and allergies with medications.

Multiple Pregnancy IVF Risk

If there are more embryos that are transferred, there is always a risk of having a multiple pregnancy. Having two or more babies may increase complications to the patient and her babies. It may be a joy to have twins but delivery of babies may result in premature births and low birth weight. Blood pressure will also increase when a patient has a multiple pregnancy. There is also a risk of developing diabetes in having more than one baby. About 50% of twins and 90% of triplets are born preterm. In order to have a better chance of having a healthy and successful pregnancy, the doctor may offer the option to reduce the number of fetuses. This procedure is called multifetal pregnancy reduction.

Miscarriages and Birth defects IVF Risk

IVF risks also involve miscarriages and birth defects. Miscarriages increase with women as they get older. According to some studies, miscarriages with women who are under 35 is 15%, for women above 40 is 25% and for women aged 42 is 35%. IVF risks for genetic disorders are only less than 1%. Several techniques may be applied in reducing the risks of genetic disorders such as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is also used when there is abnormality in the sperm.

Ectopic Pregnancy IVF Risk

Another IVF risk is ectopic pregnancy. The risk of ectopic pregnancy occurs when the implantation of the fertilized eggs are outside the womb or ovaries. The fertilized eggs are implanted in the fallopian tubes rather than in the ovaries. This will cause bleeding in the patient's abdomen and vagina. The risk of acquiring ectopic pregnancy is higher than normal pregnancy.

The success of IVF pregnancy relies more on the physician and fertility clinics that handle the IVF treatments. It is important for couples having IVF pregnancy to consider all the IVF risks and discuss them with their doctor before proceeding.