HPT after IVF

After a long and tedious process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, the moment of thrill and excitement awaits the couple during the final stages of IVF treatment. Within a few days after the fertilized eggs were implanted to the woman's womb, the couple will know whether the results of pregnancy will be positive or not.

HPT after IVF

What is HPT after IVF?

After the woman has shown several major symptoms of early IVF pregnancy, the doctor will then perform urine analysis to confirm the pregnancy. Home Pregnancy Test (HPT) after IVF is the best way of confirming pregnancy. In about 10 to 14 days after the fertilized eggs were implanted to the uterus, HPT after IVF can be used to determine pregnancy which will also include testing of progesterone levels. The test can be repeated every few days.

False Positive HPT after IVF

HPT after IVF is used to analyze levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine. HCG is produced by the development of placenta within the womb if there was a successful implant of the fertilized eggs. HPT after IVF normally will show a positive result during missed period but since HCG was injected at the time of IVF cycle, the indication that shows positive may not be the final result and could be false because HPT for IVF was done too early. HPT after IVF will not be effective if there is still presence of HCG levels in the urine. HCG is administered an approximate time of 35 hours prior to the retrieval of the eggs as part of the simulation process to remove developing eggs within the follicles.

Eggs usually ovulate out of the follicles when the luteunizing and estradiol hormone level rises, as the follicles mature in size. Due to medications taken by the patient during IVF cycle, the rise of luteunizing hormone (LH) becomes unsuitable since the timing is not accurate and ovulation of the eggs could take place before retrieval is made.

After HCG is injected to the body, the following day HCG levels are analyzed to determine if the HCG level has risen sufficiently enough for the follicle to mature. HCG will remain in the system from 5 to 14 days. Levels of HCG can be checked by HPTS as early as 9 to 11 days. HPT after IVF taken during these periods may indicate a positive result that may be false. There might be an overlap of several days since HCG is still present in the system. It is proper to take HPT after IVF to a full 14 days after the injection of HCG. At this time, the results can be determined correctly since HCG is not present in the urine anymore.

What to do after HPT after IVF

IF the HPT after IVF shows a positive result, supplements of progesterone should be taken for several more weeks. Progesterone produces enough hormones if a woman's body is not able to maintain hormone levels. The doctor will also do follow up with blood test and ultrasound. Proper monitoring should be undertaken during IVF pregnancy to avoid miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies to occur. Patients are advised to use special care to avoid the risk of having miscarriages.