IVF and Miscarriage

You've already tried every way possible to get pregnant but to no avail. However, pregnancy was established when you underwent the IVF process. But your joy was short-lived because it resulted into a miscarriage. How heartbreaking!

IVF and Miscarriage

The fact that you can't get pregnant by natural and artificial means is very frustrating but experiencing miscarriage after an IVF cycle is far worse. What you thought to be a successful procedure turned into a horrible nightmare. You didn't expect it because you were able to produce healthy embryos which resulted into pregnancy. IVF and miscarriage are somehow related as most doctors consider miscarriage as failed IVF.

The Truth about Failed IVF and Miscarriage

Cases of miscarriage after IVF treatment are high as the procedure is common in women 35 years old and above. Even so, miscarriage will most likely happen in this age bracket even with the natural method of conception. It could be that the IVF patient is simply in the high risk category for miscarriage as chances of miscarriages grow with age and other underlying health problems. As with regards to failed IVF, this happens when the healthy embryos fail to implant even if the uterus is receptive enough to establish pregnancy.

Life after Failed IVF and Miscarriage

You still have the final word whether or not to go for another IVF cycle. Some couples stop due to financial constraints while others decide to tackle the issue privately. The entire IVF process is traumatic which only gets worse with IVF miscarriage. But don't lose hope yet, always remember that the human body has the ability to heal itself and some women were able to get pregnant even after recurrent IVF miscarriages. How did this happen? Here are some tips.

  • Figure out the possible reasons for your miscarriage
    There are several factors that will increase your chances of miscarriage such as diabetes, poor health, smoking, drugs, alcohol, chemicals present in your body and even IVF. Eliminating them will improve your chances to get pregnant.
  • Boost your emotional wellness
    No one can deny the fact that miscarriage is very traumatic for the couple but most especially for the woman. You have mixed emotions and you need to give yourself the time to get mad, accept what really happened and be optimistic for another chance. Basic exercises like walking as well as yoga and meditation have been proven to help heal the mind and body.
  • Pursue a healthy diet
    Diet plays an important part in your overall health and is very important to having an optimal pregnancy. If you're trying to conceive, go for healthy and natural foods and consume lots fresh fruits and veggies.
  • Detoxify your body
    Detoxification is very important to be healthy most especially after a miscarriage. Food and other natural supplements will help you to detoxify your body from toxins that thwart the absorption of nutrients in your body.

Always remember that there is life after failed IVF and miscarriage. Discuss with your fertility doctor on how to reduce your chances of failed IVF and miscarriage by developing a plan that works best for your situation.