IVF Medications

IVF medications are given during the entire IVF cycle. The types of IVF medications differ for each patient. The doctor and his medical team will examine the patient's condition to be able to determine which proper IVF medications will be applied during the IVF treatment.

IVF Medications

Commonly used IVF Protocols

During the patient's pretreatment, her medical history will be examined and will be used as basis for choosing the right IVF Protocol. There are three IVF Protocols for in vitro fertilization (IVF) that are commonly used, the Long Lupron or Luteal Lupron protocol, the antagonist protocol and flare and micro flare protocol. These ovarian stimulation protocols are used to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs and follicles. Normally the ovaries can only release one developed egg during the woman's monthly cycle. These IVF protocols have different methods of administering IVF medications. The most common among the three is the Long Lupron in which the Lupron is administered 21 days of the woman's cycle to regulate the pituitary glands.

Three Types of Commonly used IVF Medications

In the U.S. there are 3 types of IVF medications that are commonly used in the IVF ovarian stimulation protocol. The first type is an IVF medication that suppresses the LH surge and ovulation until the maturing eggs are ready. There are two kinds of drugs that are used for suppression. The first is Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist such as Lupron (injected just below the skin), Suprefact, or Synarel (a nasal spray which allows the body to produce many high quality eggs) which are more suppressive. The second kind is the GnRH antagonist such as Ganirelix, Antagon and Cetroide which prevent premature ovulation. These IVF medications are injected into the body and the treatment takes 3 to 4 days.

The second type of medication for ovarian stimulation protocol is the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) product, also known as Gonadotropins, which are used for stimulating the development of multiple eggs. Some Gonadotropins are Follistim, Bravelle , Gonal F, Menopur, Repronex and Pergonal.

The third type of IVF protocol drug is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) which is taken as an intramuscular injection and is used to induce the final maturation of eggs and prepare them for retrieval. Pregnyl, Novaryl and Profase are commonly prescribed HCGs.

Other IVF medications

Other IVF medications used are Medrol, Doxycycline, and Progesterone. Medrol is a steroid hormone taken daily for 4 days during the IVF cycle to help in pre-embryo implantation. Doxycycline is an antibiotic pill which is used during the patient's stimulation cycle and is taken by the male partner to reduce the level of bacteria found in the semen. It is also taken by the woman after follicular aspiration during egg retrieval to reduce infection. Progesterone, meanwhile, is an intramuscular injection which is given daily starting two days after egg retrieval until the placenta is able to produce enough amount of Progesterone.

Indeed, the IVF treatment involves an assortment of IVF medications. But all these are needed to boost the chances of success.