IVF Embryos

An embryo is what we call a multi cellular organism while it is at its early stage of fetal development. Embryo transfer is an essential part of an IVF procedure. Healthy IVF embryos can increase the chance of a successful IVF treatment.

IVF Embryos

IVF Embryos Transfer

Embryo transfer takes place three or five days after egg retrieval. At this time the egg has already gone through the process of insemination/ fertilization and embryo culture. While on the other hand, the patient has started to take progesterone medications to prepare the uterine lining for the embryo implantation.

Depending on the situation, physicians usually do up to three IVF embryos transfer to increase the chances of a successful implantation especially to women whose ages are greater than 40.

The Process of IVF Embryos Transfer

A day before IVF embryos transfer, the patient will be asked to come to the clinic at a specific time.

Before going to the clinic, patients will be advised to drink lots of water or at least fill up the bladder half full with water. This way, it is easier to get a clear picture of the uterus while having an abdominal ultrasound. Patients should also avoid drinking coffee or soda a day before the appointment. The most important thing is try to relax, get your mind free from any stress and be comfortable.

15 minutes before the transfer: The physician will show the couples all the IVF embryos which are ready to be transferred, and so they can discuss the quality and the healthiest of the embryos. The physician and the couples will then decide which embryo and how many will be transferred. For the embryos that will not be transferred, the couples can decide whether to keep the embryos in a frozen state or cyropreservation (if the first IVF doesn't work the frozen embryos can be used) or donate it.

During the embryo transfer: The patient will be asked to lie down or sometimes doctors prefer transferring while women are in a knee-chest position. The doctor will use a speculum and insert it into the vagina. A catheter will be inserted into her vagina towards the uterus lining. Then the embryos will be passed down the catheter into the uterus.

Once the IVF embryos are released, the doctors will check if all the embryos have reached the uterus. When everything is clear, the woman will be asked to lie down for at least 15 to 30 minutes before going home.

Tips after IVF Embryos Transfer

  • Avoid doing stressful work for a few days after an embryo transfer
  • Avoid any activities that can contaminate your vagina like swimming. If you want to take a bath, use the shower instead of tubs.
  • Avoid using vaginal creams or lubricants
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Keep a healthy lifestyle
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for at least two weeks
  • Avoid taking recreational drugs

The first few weeks after IVF embryos transfer are very essential. Have a stress free life and always think positive. The calmness it brings can help contribute to a triumphant embryo implantation and towards a successful pregnancy.